Welcome to the Lincoln Pioneer Adventist Church in Grassie, ON. We are a Christian community and would love to have you join our family. To learn more about what we believe you can visit Adventist Beliefs.  Everyone is welcome to join us for Bible study, worship, and prayer.

Pastor Harold Novak
Lincoln Pioneer Adventist Church





Please join us on location for in person service, or virtually by Zoom every Saturday for Bible Study and Worship services.

Click Join Meeting


My Meeting

Meeting ID: 86734632532

Hosted by: Lincoln Pioneer

Join Meeting


Service times:
Bible Study: 9:30 am
Worship Service: 11:00 am














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Lincoln Pioneer 

Seventh-day Adventist Church

452 Mud Street West

Grassie, ON   L0R 1M0





The Great ReSet


Ancient predictions speak to today's world and to the future! The United States of America: today, the greatest nation on the planet—tomorrow?

This continuing series will provide answers to life's most pressing questions. The Bible outlines coming events with remarkable clarity. Don't miss a night of Revelation Today.





To view series click here.



    Bible Study

    Saturdays @ 9:30 am.,

    Live on Zoom


    My Meeting

    Meeting ID: 86734632532

    Hosted by: Lincoln Pioneer

    Join Meeting




    Worship Service
    Saturdays @ 11:00

    Live on Zoom

    My Meeting

    Meeting ID: 86734632532

    Hosted by: Lincoln Pioneer

    Join Meeting


    Prayer Meetings

    Wednesdays @ 7:00 pm

    Live on Zoom

    My Meeting

    Meeting ID: 86734632532

    Hosted by: Lincoln Pioneer

    Join Meeting






    Learn about bible truths, prophecy...


    Amazing Fact  - https://www.amazingfacts.org/


    Hope TV  - https://www.hopetv.org/watch/hope-channel/


    3 ABN TV   -  https://3abn.org/



    A Worldwide Church Family

    The Seventh-day Adventist Church is a mainstream Protestant church with approximately 19 million members worldwide, including more than one million members in North America. The Adventist Church operates 173 hospitals and sanitariums and more than 7,500 schools around the world. The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) works within communities in more than 130 countries to provide community development and disaster relief.